Better Babylon Party
TRUSTEE DOMINIC BENCIVENGA" class="image-left" />


A nine-year veteran of the Babylon School Board, Trustee Dominic Bencivenga has been a fiscally responsible elected official in our village for a long time. Of those nine years, he spent five as president or vice president of the board. As part of his role on the board, Trustee Bencivenga worked closely with Mayor Scordino to negotiate shared services agreements that saved taxpayers thousands of dollars.

Trustee Bencivenga’s experience doesn’t stop there. His organization, Babylon Helps, facilitated grant funding and charitable collection programs in the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy.

A longtime member of the Babylon Village Volunteer Corps and village resident for over 25 years, Trustee Bencivenga will add years of vital public service experience to the village board.

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